The popularity of Turmeric continues to rise as we learn more and more of its health benefits for digestion, reducing inflammation, improving the appearance of skin,  as well as health benefits for your brain and heart.

According to Dax Schaefer, executive chef at Asenzya, “Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.”

Through a recent study at Penn State, it was noted that cloves, cinnamon, and turmeric were surprisingly beneficial to decreasing triglycerides and insulin levels.

Try this recipe from spiciefoodie for Turmeric Spiced Bulgur which really adds wonderful flavor, along with all the health benefits of both Turmeric and Bulgur!


Sunnyland Mills suggests using #3 Coarse Traditional or Organic Bulgur

Turmeric Spiced Bulgur Recipe by Spicie Foodie